Donate Today

Help music thrive!

Donate today, and make dreams come true this season – Music on Main’s 18th year!

When you donate to Music on Main, you are actively contributing to the community you want to see. Your support helps set the stage for concerts, employs artists and creators, and supports activities like the free Summer Pop-Up Concerts and The Kessler Academy.

During Music on Main’s 18th season, we’re presenting some of most ambitious work to date including this year’s 12th Modulus Festival, and The Tempest Project, a large-scale immersive performance that will come to the stage in July 2024.

Every dollar makes an impact, and every donor makes a difference.

Please, consider a gift of any amount today. To learn more about monthly giving please click here.

Supporting the arts in our city, by making a donation and buying tickets, is how we raise our hands, be counted, and collectively work to create the community that we want to live in.

Thank you! Support from people like you fuels everything we do at Music on Main.